Health News of the Day

Health News of the Day is a daily summary made from the selected links I post on Twitter. It is in a bullet points format with links to the original sources which include 350 RSS feeds that produce about 2,500 items per day:

High fructose intake is linked to high blood pressure - 2.5 sugary soft drinks a day is enough to elevate the pressure. Median fructose intake was 74 gm/day (2.5 sugary soft drinks) - associated with a 36% higher risk of having BP equal or greater than 140/90

30% decline in kidney function was associated with drinking 2 or more diet sodas a day

Children who watch more TV - even those exposed to TV while other people are watching - more likely to be aggressive

A diet heavy in processed and fatty foods may increase the risk of depression

N95 masks may be no better than ordinary disposable surgical masks at preventing the flu, after all.

Study: Nicotine Patch Plus Lozenge Best for Quitting Smoking - mimic the nicotine highs and lows of smoking

"A person's long-term risk of heart disease is better assessed by a pair of studies: nuclear stress test and heart CT"

Medical news tweets are not research articles - they are 140-character messages - please always go to the original source, links, etc. Tweets and links do not represent endorsement, approval or support. Image source:, public domain.

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