
Make Your Own Web and Save It - Social Bookmarking and More

Digg That Story

Digg is a website that combines social bookmarking (think, blogging and RSS. And then adds "non-hierarchical editorial control". Users submit stories for review, and decide which stories go on the homepage. They have a funny podcast, which is very popular on iTunes.

Save the Web to Yahoo MyWeb

This is very useful, actually. You can either bookmark or save pages to the Yahoo servers, and access them later. Even if the page is changed or completely taken down, you will still have your cached copy to refer to. Never loose another interesting website again because you forgot the URL address, or how you found it on Google.

There is no need to install anything, just drop the Yahoo MyWeb bookmarklet in the bookmarks menu. Then, when you see an interesting page, just click on "Save to MyWeb" from the bookmarks menu. You have to log-in (once), and select if you want to share your saved page or not.

This "user-selected" web, made possible by, Digg, and Yahoo is becoming more and more interesting. Google is lagging far behind...

Bloglines as the Best RSS Reader

Bloglines is the winner so far. It is even better than a RSS reader installed on your computer. The mobile version works seamlessly on wireless PDAs. "I am exposed to 100x as much information and I spend far less time looking for it", writes Mike Torres.

You can save the interesting feed stories as "clippings" or post them to your own Bloglines blog, with just two clicks. Can it get easier than that?

Other Interesting Links

Check out the Google News, presented in a more visually compelling way.

Compare the Search Engines on
This is a nice flash-based comparison. You can clearly see how the big three differ in their results.

How to set up a blog at MSN Spaces - Tony Northrup
MSN spaces is emerging as the new blogosphere leader with 19 million blogs, more than the spam-infested Blogger/Blogspot. They just added a slew of new features. Yahoo doubled the size of Google's index. Hey guys, give "poor" Google a break... :-)

One of the very useful blogs is Torres Talking, written by Mike Torres, a MSN Spaces developer. His blog is so good, he will almost convince you to switch your blogging platform to Spaces in no time. Mike is still using the Google Translate feature in his sidebar though...

Microsoft Revamps MSN Blogs - PC World
Still digging Bloglines - Torres Talking
Save your personal web with Slogger -
Jots - Another Social Bookmarking Site - Micro Persuasion
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