
What to look for when buying sunglasses?

Average time patients spend waiting to see a health-care provider is 22 minutes

Managing fever of unknown origin in adults - BMJ review

"How to Conquer Your Fear of Doctors"

Only 62% of referring PCPs received consultation results from specialists

86% of Australian doctors report high rates of job satisfaction - see why

When physicians prescribe a new medication... confusion ensues

Sports Health With Cleveland Clinic (video)

What drug to add to maximal metformin therapy for diabetes?

Microsoft software to "replace" radiologists - recognizes organs and structures in medical images

Oropharyngeal carcinoma increased by 22% in 6 years, related to rise in HPV

Bullying: What parents can do (CNN video)

Promise of Prevention: Effects of 4 Risk Factors on U.S. Life Expectancy and Disparities

Investigating easy bruising in a child

Collecting family history predicts cancer risk better than 23andMe genetic testing

There are 25,400 scientific journals and their number is increasing by 3.5% a year

Electronic medical record (EMR) - review of pros and cons in Cleveland Clinic medical journal

Blogs read by 20% of UK medical students, but only 8% write their own

Current school system is failing boys - how to re-engage them in learning - TED video