
Vincent van Gogh: "I'd like to show by my work what such an eccentric, such a nobody, has in his heart"

Crohn's disease - 2011 review

"Lifestyle 180": Cleveland Clinic 1-year program promises to reverse chronic disease through lifestyle modification

Cirrhosis - 2011 update from Am Fam Physician

The Number of Tweets Predicts Future Citations of a Specific Journal Article

Internal medicine residents spent little time reading, and prefer electronic resources, specifically UpToDate

Motion sickness - what to do?

Symptomatic knee osteoarthritis (OA) increased during the past 20 years but radiographic OA did not

What are Yips? (Mayo Clinic video)

Best Tweets - Selection of Twitter Favorites

March Madness Vasectomies: Postop period is "a perfect situation for television", says Cleveland Clinic urologist

Essential tremor: what are the treatment options?

3 million Americans are living with celiac disease

Pathogenesis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis - 2011 Lancet review

Antibiotics prescribed during 21% of pediatric ambulatory visits; 50% were broad-spectrum