What makes a blogger go on in a field where so many others stop, fail and disappear?

See a few reasons below from Dean Giustini's blog:

  • I had no clue that five years later, I'd still be blogging - and that I'd want to keep blogging. I guess you could say I've grown to like it.

  • On reflection, I realized blogging is an extension of my digital identity as a health librarian working in the Google age.

  • I'm not interested in promoting myself as a speaker or using the blog for commercial reasons.

  • I am very grateful that anyone wants to read what I have to say.

Maintaining a blog is simple, and if one enjoys the experience, there are few reasons to stop. For example, I use this blog as an educational portfolio and since education is a life-long process, it should be around for a foreseeable future.

Tips for Medical Bloggers

- Write as if your boss and your patients are reading your blog every day
- Comply with HIPAA
- List your name and contact information.
- If your blog is work-related, it is probably better to let your employer know.
- Inquire if there are any blogging guidelines. If there are, comply with them strictly.
- Use a disclaimer, e.g. "All opinions expressed here are those of their authors and not of their employer. Information provided here is for medical education only. It is not intended as and does not substitute for medical advice."
- Get your blog accredited by the Heath on the Net Foundation

Rebirth (Soon). UBC Academic Search - Google Scholar Blog.
Another blogger quits due to "blog fatigue"
Why Physician Blogs Close Down?
Has Blogging Peaked?
Why Do I Blog?
Why I Blog: Andrew Sullivan from The Atlantic Shares His Thoughts on Blogging
Image source: public domain.

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