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For people with congestive heart failure, a hot dog can trigger a trip to the hospital due to excessive salt

Doctors blends cardiology and country music

When was the earliest journal club?

Gene test decreases warfarin-related hospitalizations by 28%

Women in US academic medicine earn $13,000 less than male peers

The Lancet: Nephrology is not for normal doctors - it is for exceptionally skilled specialist physicians

Ed Goljan, M.D., professor of pathology and top notch arm wrestler

Clinical Pearls in Men's Health - Mayo Clinic Proceedings Video

Reduced workload and increased participation of attendings associated with higher satisfaction of doctors in training

"Sleep eaters" binge on sugary, high-calorie snacks, sometimes 5 times a night

How to keep your brain in top performance shape - BBC video

DNA Is a Doctor's Best Friend

2 in 3 people with known risk factors for COPD don't know they have the disease

Non-surgical Baldness Treatments Rated Ineffective by Most Patients

Kylie Minogue on cancer - BBC video

Science 2.0: More publishing but less (legitimate) publishers?

Tai Chi and Cardiac Rehabilitation - Mayo Clinic Video

"With UpToDate, students and interns may be as capable of teaching the resident (or attending) as visa versa"

Updates in Pediatrics

Video Lecture: Anne Wojcicki from 23andMe Personal Genomics

Glycated hemoglobin as a diagnostic test for diabetes predicts mortality more accurately than fasting glucose

People behaved more selfishly and dishonestly when working in a dimly lit room or when wearing sunglasses

98% of People Cannot Drive Safely Using Cell Phones According to a Study

Sport Injuries: MRIs of hips of hockey players show abnormalities in 70% - are they clinically significant?

Kidney Transplant Overview - Mayo Clinic Video

Using the Internet for health purposes was associated with increased depression

People who "drink heavily every so often" are 45% more likely to develop coronary heart disease

Blast from Europe's medieval medical past: leeches