
25% of medical students use Facebook for education - with mixed success

Acute bronchitis: Many patients expect to be treated with antibiotics and cough meds but this differs from guidelines

SHAKE may be common in hospitals: Supplement-associated Hyperammonemia After Cachectic Episode

iPad use by medical residents gets rave reviews, increases productivity

People who brush their teeth less than twice a day have a 70% increased risk of heart disease

Screening for Familial Hypercholesterolemia - CDC Expert Commentary

Reasons to stop blogging

A Heart Has Endured 67 Stents and 28 Coronary Angiograms - How Much is Too Much?

How to protect your child's eyes from video games?

Barrett's esophagus - Mayo Clinic video

Protecting the brain from concussion: $20-helmet is a good way to protect $100,000 education

New U.S. Diet Guidelines: No more than 1.5 gm of sodium/day, get off your "SoFAS" - Solid Fats and Added Sugars

Social Media in Medical Education: What are the Burning Questions?

Is coffee a "health food" now?

Romiplostim for Treatment on Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP)

Heart numbers to know - by Cleveland Clinic

Strategies for Increasing Recruitment to Randomised Controlled Trials

Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) - NHSChoices video

Cars Decide If Driver Is Drunk - Video