
Redefining age 66 - when your job description is "rockstar"

100-year-old doctor still practicing at UCSF, shares unconventional longevity secrets

Mayo Clinic on procedure competency: "140 colonoscopies isn't cool. You know what's cool, 275 colonoscopies"

How much heat you can take? 232 years ago, three British gentlemen found out

What happens when you ask for medical advice on Twitter - CNN's Anderson Cooper knows from experience

Medicine's first Nobel laureate

How to apply sunscreen

How much vitamin D do you need? Distilling strong advice from weak evidence

Exercise is good for you, Mr Bean, even judo class

Neighborhood Determinants of Quality of Life - street lighting, sidewalks, trees, absence of air or noise pollution

Secure web messaging between patients and doctors: Not well received

Cirrhosis: Phil's story

Twitter epidemics - BMJ video

What young doctors read

Cholesterol numbers - Mayo Clinic video

First Gunshot Victim in the New World - National Geographic Video

Celiprolol as treatment of choice to prevent complications in vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

Cyclist who survived: Use your head. Use your helmet

Medical educators around the world - Healthcare / HCSM / HIT Social Media List

The Singing Doctor

Weight lifters turning to human growth hormone - and that's just the tip of the iceberg

Drug companies trying to "create" parasites for treating ulcerative colitis