
Medical apps are a wonderful thing but those drug ads may sway doctors' choices

Road office in a box (video)

Chocolate consumption is inversely associated with coronary heart disease

Don’t just swallow, check the evidence first - it applies to diet, medications, and more

Interesting Correlation: Fast Food Founders and Longevity

Social media in medicine: How to be a Twitter rockstar and help your patients and your practice

Restraint technique could be fatal: Forcing a detainee to bend over while seated can lead to death

Accessibility Extensions for Chrome Browser - Text-to-Speech and More

European Union predicts shortfall of one million doctors and nurses by 2020

5 factors define happiness at work

Stuttering affects 1% of schoolchildren - early intervention is recommended, within 1 year of onset

Standard American Diet (Yes, it’s SAD)

Neurological and autoimmune disorders after influenza vaccination: no change in risk for Guillain-Barré syndrome, MS, type 1 diabetes, or RA

Marketing Tips for Physician Websites

The Search for a Male Contraceptive

Pets Cause Many ER Visits For Owners Due to Accidental Falls

"My Health Story" Video Project

WebMD Symptom Checker is not for the faint-hearted - you need a real doctor

Doctor invents female condoms with 'teeth' to fight rape

Are you addicted to social media? Cleveland Clinic video

Reading on iPad before bed disrupts sleep - Kindle is OK, with the exception of Kindle Fire

Authorship criteria - use or abuse?