
Evidence-based Medicine Podcasts from Cochrane Library

Attending rounds: How to use acetazolamide to correct hypercapnia in OSA and COPD?

RSS Feeds and Podcasts from American Academy of Family Physicians

Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents increase risk of death and blood clots in cancer patients

Clinical Case: Diabetic Myonecrosis

Fibromyalgia is not a rheumatological disease but a central pain syndrome

Sea Lion at Cleveland Zoo Dies of Pancreatitis

IT Advice: The Ultimate Student Resource List

Too many feeds to read? Time to trim down RSS subscriptions

Attending rounds: How many "organ"-renal syndromes are recognized?

Attending rounds: How to start insulin therapy in diabetes mellitus type 2?

Interesting Articles: A Weekly Review of the "Big Five" Medical Journals

How to respond to angry emails: save as draft

A medical student's letters from Zimbabwe: the home of the 10 million bill

Keep residents happy -- it is better for patients

Gorillas at Cleveland Zoo have heart disease along with many others at U.S. zoos

Cell phones do not cause brain tumors but may decrease male fertility

Does atelectasis cause postoperative fever?

Topics Discussed During the Internal Medicine Rotation at Cleveland Clinic in February/March 2008

How-to Advice: Writing a Book in Google Docs

UK closes its doors to foreign doctors

Interesting Journal Articles

How to write a medical blog and not get fired

When Doctors Become Patients

Research Tip: Create Surveys and Databases with Online Forms via Google Spreadsheets

Overdose of prescription drugs caused Heath Ledger's death

What makes a well-rounded teacher in 21st century?

Cleveland Clinic building a global brand "like the Louvre or Guggenheim Museum", 50 countries want Clinic to open branches

"MedWorm Associates" Promote RSS Use Among Physicians and Researchers

Clinical Case: Accessory Renal Artery Stenosis

Lions at African Savanna, Cleveland Zoo

7 Creative Uses for RSS