- Eating omega-3-rich seafood may be a mood-lifter for women who are feeling depressed during pregnancy. Seafood may help depression in pregnancy - but pregnant women should limit consumption due to its mercury content... "Although common in western countries, depression is virtually absent in countries where people eat a lot of fish" http://bit.ly/jVrJA - Sounds like a bald statement...
- Scientific Speed Reading: How to Read 300% Faster in 20 Minutes http://bit.ly/Z61jv - Not for me but the brave ones here may check it out.
- CNN Medical Correspondent Elizabeth Cohen just started a blog at Blogger.com: Welcome to medical blogosphere! It looks like 140 characters on Twitter were not enough for @elizcohencnn - so here is the blog http://bit.ly/11sc4j
- Pathtalk.org is a weblog about pathology http://pathtalk.org
- Inspiring non-scientists: A Nature editorial reviews the TED Talks approach http://bit.ly/123EIx
- Top 1,000 Hospital Web sites (worldwide) - http://bit.ly/15VkVQ , also Top US list: http://bit.ly/5YRC8 A huge data set.
Image source: OpenClipArt.org, public domain